About Us

The Clay County Senior Center is a multi-purpose facility which houses programs for older adults such as Congregate Meals, Home-Delivered Meals, Health & Wellness, Medicare/SHIIP Counseling, Operation Fan/Heat Relief, Senior Companion, and Volunteerism.
The Senior Center provides a wide variety of classes and activities to help our seniors stay active and healthy: Woodcarving, Bridge, Wellness Workout, Rummikub, Dominos, Needlecrafts, Tablet Tutors, Wii Bowling, Hand & Foot, Corn Hole, Yoga, Mah Jong, 5D Beading, Oil Painting, Bingo, and Line Dancing.
The Senior Center also has a pool table, shuffleboard table, treadmill, exercise bike and computer lab available for participant use as well as jigsaw puzzles, a reading library and an Information Station filled with useful materials for older adults. We also host a Tuesday night movie from April thru October, complete with free popcorn.